Guide to AS 4: Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date

This standard deals only with Events occurring after the Balance Sheet date. Even though the Standard’s name starts with contingencies, all the paragraphs related to ‘contingencies’ have been withdrawn by ICAI. From 1-4-2004, contingencies are dealt by AS-29 – “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets”.

Before we start the main discussion, you need to understand the sequence of approval of financial statements in case of companies.

Step 1: After the financial year end, Board of Directors (BoD)/Management prepare the financial statements and approve the same;

Step 2: Auditor of the company conducts audit and issues a report on the financial statements;

Step 3: Audited financial statements are adopted by the Members of the company in the AGM;

Concept Capsule 1

Who is responsible to prepare the financial statements of an entity and who approves the financial statements?

AS 4: Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date

Look at the above diagram, financial statements of 2015-16 are approved by the approving authority (BoD in case of company) on 31st Aug, 2016.

Financial statements approved means that, the books of account of the financial year are closed. Based on the above diagram, the entity can record any journal entry related to FY 2015-16 till 31st Aug., 2016 only. If an entity identifies any income or expenditure related to FY 2015-16 subsequent to 31st Aug., 2016, that income or expenditure should be recorded in FY 2016-17 as a prior period item. (Refer AS 5 for more information on this).

Concept Capsule 2

The factory is painted in March 2016, and the painter submitted the bill in April 2016. The accountant of the company did not make a provision for the expense as on 31-3-2016. FY 2015-16 financials are approved on 30-9-2016.
(a) Can the accountant record the JE for the painting expenses in FY 2015-16 OR should he record in 2016-17?
(b) If the bill is received after 30-09-2016 what would be the treatment?

(a) The expense is incurred during FY 2015-16 and it should be recognised as an expense in the same year. Information of the expense is received before the date of approval of financial statements; hence the entity should recognise the transaction as on the balance sheet date i.e. in FY 2015-16.

2. Definitions

Events occurring after the balance sheet date: These are significant events, which occur between the balance sheet date and financial statements approval date. These significant events can be favourable or unfavourable to the entity.

Significant events – Material events, which can influence the economic decisions of the users of financial statements.

The whole discussion in this standard is whether the events occurring after the balance sheet date should be recorded as on balance sheet date OR in the next financial year. [e.g. (look at the above diagram) whether it should be recognised in FY 2015-16 OR FY 2016-17];

Events occurring after the balance sheet date are classified into two i.e. adjusting events and non-adjusting events; let us understand this concept from the below picture:

AS 4: Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date

The primary objective of the standard is to ensure the completeness, that all the transactions and related information should be updated in financial statements.

3. Important points for noting

Adjusting Events