Psychological testing : principles, applications, and issues

Publication date 2001 Topics Psychological tests, Tests psychologiques, Psychologische tests, Psychodiagnostiek Publisher Belmont, CA : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Volume 5 Item Size 1.8G

xxiii, 708 pages : 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 641-686) and indexes

PRINCIPLES: Norms and basic statistics for testing -- Correlation and regression -- Reliability -- Validity -- Writing and evaluating test items -- Selection and decision analysis -- Test administration -- APPLICATIONS: Interviewing techniques -- Theories of intelligence and the Binet scale -- The Wechsler intelligence scales -- Other individual tests of ability -- Group ability tests: Intelligence, achievement and aptitude -- Tests for choosing careers -- Structured personality tests -- Projective personality tests -- Cognitive-behavioral assessment -- Testing in health psychology and health care -- ISSUES: Test bias -- Testing and the law -- The future of psychological testing

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