cannot save to a pdf from print window

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I have OSX 10.5.8 and Adobe Acrobat 9 pro
When I have a PDF open and go to file, print, I click the pdf button at the bottom left corner of the print window. I choose "Save as PDF" and I get the following error message: "Saving a PDF file when printing is not supported. Instead, choose File > Save."

I get the message when I'm in Firefox, Safari, and even when I'm in Adobe Acrobat 9 pro.

I installed the Acrobat 9.1 update and it didn't solve the problem. I reset Safari to default and this did not solve the problem.



You started a thread with an identical post last week. Apparently, you ignored the responses to your question.



If you have a pdf file open, why do you need to save it as a pdf?
It's already a pdf. That save function when printing is used for saving other kinds of files as a pdf, and saving a pdf while printing to a pdf is redundant, when the file is _already_ a pdf.
Rather than printing - simply use the fFle menu, choosing Save As.
That's what your browser (probably the print manager, I think) is telling you to do

Does that help you understand what's happening?
It's not an error, but simply a normal result when trying to save an actual pdf through a print window.
It's telling you that operation on a pdf file is not supported - and is in fact redundant.

Last edited: Jul 14, 2010



The reason I need to save as a pdf from a pdf is that I need to save sections of a congressional record pdf.

First, I look up the desired pages I need from the congressional record on Lexis Nexis. Then I open the pdf that contain the pages. This pdf is usually 50 pages or so. I need to save these individual pages to a folder so I can take them to a commercial printer later. "Printing" the needed pages to a PDF would save hours and would enable me to work from my house rather than from a library.

If I simply save the entire 50 page pdf, then I'm required to do the same work again later: isolating the individual pages I need printed from the files I saved. If I printed all 50 pages from each pdf that I needed, it would cost hundreds of dollars, not to mention lost hours spent finding the physical pages that I need among the hundreds of pages I don't need.

P.S. I didn't ignore anyone's comments, I'm not sure why it posted twice. I'm new to the forum, give me a break.



Ok, I think I understand. Using the print manager to save portions of your pdf is the wrong tactic, I think. You need to open the complete pdf in an application that will allow you to edit the pdf, or to save individual pages, or maybe sections of that .pdf file.
Does Acrobat allow you to save individual pages or sections?