The New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council (NBAPC), once called the New Brunswick Association of Metis and Non-Status Indians, is the voice for approximately 28,260 Status and Non-Status Aboriginal People who reside in the Province of New Brunswick.
Our members are widely dispersed throughout the Province of New Brunswick in villages, towns, cities, and rural areas. They are people of Aboriginal Ancestry for whom NBAPC provides services, programs, and a political voice for their concerns.
For the New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council, self-government begins – but does not end – with control over our land. Government means jurisdiction over our renewable and non-renewable resources, education, health and social services, public order and the shape and composition of our political institutions. While some of our plans may sound far-reaching to some people, they should not be regarded as a threat. We do not want to recreate a world that has vanished. We do not want to turn back the clock. Far from it. We welcome the challenge to see our culture grow and change in directions that we have chosen for ourselves. We do not want to become the objects of sentimentality. Nor do we want our culture to be preserved in amber for the amusement or even the edification of others. What we do want, what we demand, is nothing more than control over our own lives and destiny. That control is called “SELF-GOVERNMENT”.
Constitution and By Laws - English