Healthy California Now is a statewide coalition of organizations and activists dedicated to establishing a single-payer, Medicare For All system in California.
The need has never been more clear and more achievable for a comprehensive and guaranteed healthcare system in California that puts an end to increasing costs, limited provider choices, soaring drug prices, surprise bills, and health plans that charge more and cover less. Please join us!
Stay up to date
- NEW! Code WACK! Podcast: "Your needs vs the 'financial incentives of your insurance plan?"
- State of Reform: "Newsom signs unified healthcare financing bill SB 770 into law"
- Health Justice Monitor: "Learning from Other Countries"
- State Senate passes legislation to put California on pathway to guaranteeing healthcare for all residents
- Code WACK! Podcast: "Rethinking the path to winning single payer"
- Guaranteed Healthcare in California: Better care at lower cost
- Healthy California Now Moves Single Payer Forward
- The Plan to Save Californians $117 Billion a Year by Switching to Single-Payer
Healthy California Now is founded on the principles that healthcare is a human right, and that publicly financed guaranteed health care — care with a single standard for all residents of California — is critical to our state’s social and economic well-being. We are dedicated to establishing a single-payer system in California as a model for a just and equitable U.S. healthcare system that eliminates all barriers to care.
© 2024 Healthy California Now